Dr. Keesha Ewers
Trauma and Chronic Illness
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Dr. Keesha Ewers has been in the medical field for over 30 year – she is board certified in functional medicine, a Doctor of Sexology, psychotherapist, family practice advanced registered nurse practitioner with a specialty in integrative medicine, a certified advanced Ayurvedic practitioner, and the founder and medical director of the Academy for Integrative Medicine Health Coach Certification Program.
After conducting the HURT Study in 2013 (Healing Unresolved Trauma), she developed the HURT Model for understanding how past childhood trauma impacts adult health. This led to the creation of the You Unbroken online program for patients to heal their own trauma and the Mystic Medicine deep immersion healing retreats she leads at her home on San Juan Island, WA.
Dr. Keesha is a popular speaker, including at Harvard and from the TEDx stage, and the best-selling author of Solving the Autoimmune Puzzle. You can learn more about this wonderful leader and find her programs at www.DrKeesha.com.
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Getting down to the “fractal” seed of who we are and what we need- this interview added a powerful new way for me to think of, and practice, root cause medicine. I find Dr. Keesha so inspiring! How about you?
Wow. Dr. Keisha. I’d love to do more work with you!!