5 Ways to Improve Gut Health with Joe Rignola

5 Ways to Improve Gut Health
That list may seem long, but the good news is there are plenty of actionable steps you can take today to begin improving your gut health. 

The gut biome is an incredibly complex and vital part of our overall health and wellbeing. We now know it is an organ in it’s own right–sending signals and producing hormones. Our guts are known as our second brain, and rightfully so.

According to a Harvard Health article, our gut biome consists of “trillions of microorganisms (also called microbiota or microbes) of thousands of different species.” In fact, we’re more microbiome than we are human. In other words, we have far more bacterial DNA than human DNA.

The Role of Microbes

All of these microbes play an important role in regulating our health, mood, and even mental health. Each of our gut biomes is unique in what they are made up of. The most important things that influence our microbiome are diet, stress and our early childhood. No matter where your gut biome is at, there are steps you can take today to improve it.

Indicators of Unhealthy Gut Biome

How do you know whether or not your biome is off or unhealthy? There are a few key indicators that help signal to the rest of the body that something is off in the gut. Watch for signs like:

  • An upset stomach
  • Irritable bowel movements
  • Changes in weight, either unexplained gain or loss
  • Fatigue and sleep disturbances
  • Inflammation
  • Eating a lot of processed foods and sugars
  • Food intolerance
  • Autoimmune disorders
  • Skin irritation

What Microbiome Does

Whole books can and have been written about the microbiome and all of its functions, but we’ll summarize some of the key takeaways for you here. Gut microbiome affects virtually all aspects of human health. A balanced gut can be the difference between experiencing fatigue and depression along with chronic diseases or feeling energetic, happy, and healthy. Healthline states, “A number of studies have shown that people with various psychological disorders have different species of bacteria in their guts, compared to healthy people.” Harvard Health analyzed that “microbiota of a healthy person will also provide protection from pathogenic organisms that enter the body such as through drinking or eating contaminated water or food.”

That list may seem long, but the good news is there are plenty of actionable steps you can take today to begin improving your gut health. 

1. Take Probiotics

Adding this supplement to your daily routine is an excellent way to naturally boost your gut health. Clinically, I’ve used dozens of different probiotics, with varying degrees of success.  and recommend MegasporeBiotic. Learn more about MegasporeBiotic here

2. Lower Stress Levels

Having chronic and high levels of stress can wreak havoc on your entire body and all its health functions. Take some time to destress by incorporating some self-care into your routine like journaling, meditation, yoga, a massage, etc.

3. Hydrate Regularly

Drink plenty of clean water! This has been shown to help with the mucosal lining of your intestines, where your gut microbiome lives and flourish. Staying hydrated will also help to reduce digestive distress.

4. Eat Whole Foods

As we mentioned, a diet high in processed and sugary foods will throw your microbiome off-kilter. Give yourself a boost by eating mostly organic, non-processed whole foods and lots of plants.

5. Sleep

Aim to get seven to eight hours of sleep each night. Help yourself by limiting distractions before bed to quiet the mind and unwind for the day. No screen time at least one hour before bed. 


We are finding out more about our gut and its capabilities all the time. It’s important to care for it as much as possible. If you’re experiencing gut health issues, simple lifestyle habits can go a long way. 



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